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Things That You Should Appreciate and Give Thanks to God

Different things to be thankful for
Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels

With all the hardships we are currently facing especially because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we can easily find ourselves unmotivated. People tend to focus on the bad things and what they don’t have instead of the good things they have in life.

In this article, I want you to realize that despite all the struggles you are facing, there are still a lot of things to be thankful for.

1. Life

Without the gift of life you can’t even do or enjoy anything. A lot of rich people go through extensive health regimens just to make sure that they would live longer. My point is, just by being alive is something to be thankful for. There are people who suffer from chronic illnesses, got into a fatal accident who wish they had more time to live and spend with their loved ones.

2. Good health

This subtopic is similar to number 1, however, I just want to emphasize it. Again, even if you’re the richest and most powerful person alive, there are still things money can’t solve. If you have been infected with an incurable virus, say HIV for example which can lead to AIDS, you can only control the virus with proper medical care but you won’t be able to get rid of it. You’re lucky if you have the money for it, you can have the best possible medical care to live longer. But what if you don’t? What happens to you then? It is very important to always take care of yourself, not just for you but for your family’s sake as well. As the saying goes “Health is wealth.”

3. A roof over your head

This is one of the basic needs in life, even animals need shelter. Not everyone is blessed to have a place to live in. If you have a warm home where you can stay, a cozy bed to sleep in, be thankful.

4. Job

Having a decent job whether you are a minimum wage earner or earns below that is still something you should appreciate. And because you have a job, you’d still have food on your table and your family won’t go hungry, unlike those who are jobless. Being employed especially during these difficult times is a blessing since the unemployment rate across the globe is increasing due to this pandemic.

5. Gadgets

Having gadgets, whether it’s a new phone, laptop, or gaming console, is a luxury. A cellphone can give you the convenience of being able to talk to people far away, you have the option of working from home if you have a laptop, and you can keep yourself entertained with a gaming console. These kinds of luxury are something that most people dream of but are not able to obtain because of financial constraints.

6. Vehicle

Any kind of vehicle whether it is a bicycle, scooter, or an old car can give us the convenience of moving from one place to another. With these, we can avoid going through the hassle of the daily commute. Although, not all of us can afford these things and would still have to go through lines to commute, spend hours waiting, and squeeze through crowded public transportation. So if you have any of these things, consider yourself blessed.

It is good to set goals or to desire things, however, we should always remember to be thankful to God in every blessing you received in life no matter how small it may seem. Treasure what you have and never take them for granted.

I hope with this article I was able to encourage you guys, especially my fellow millennials, in some way. What other things are you thankful for? Let us know in the comments below.

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