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4 Reasons to Be Your Partner’s #1 Fan

How to be supportive to each other
Photo by Juan Pablo Arenas from Pexels

Everyone has their own dreams and goals in life. Others may not believe in your capabilities or support you through and through, but having a supportive partner backing you up is what matters most.

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 6 years. I won’t sugarcoat things, we often argue because we have different opinions regarding certain matters. We’ll probably argue some more in the future but that’s okay. Arguments are part of the learning curve of being in a relationship. Just because you’ve been together for years doesn’t mean you’ll agree on everything. Same goes for married couples, you’re bound to have some disagreements here and there.

In the course of our relationship, some of the arguments we had are issues regarding supportiveness. There was a time that he was thinking of joining the army but I was concerned about his safety. I wasn’t able to give him the support he needed and said things just so he would reconsider. And just recently, I got mad at him because he was teasing me regarding a small business idea I had. Although it was friendly teasing, it didn’t sit well with me. These are just some of the random arguments we had. But, in the end, we try to sit it out and talk about it to better understand each other to somehow make a compromise.

Being a supportive partner doesn’t come naturally for some people but you can choose to work on it. Nobody wants to be in a relationship where you feel afraid to express yourself because you think your partner won’t or refuses to understand. Here are some of the reasons why you should be supportive and how powerful it is for relationships.

1. It shows you deeply love and care for him

There are a lot of ways to express how much you love and care for your partner, and one of them is giving your support. No matter how small or big his accomplishments are, celebrate those victories together. Showing your support tells him that you care about his happiness and believe it or not your approval means a lot to him.

2. It gives him courage

Some are blessed with an abundance of courage while others are doubtful of themselves. There are times when people become scared to pursue their dreams because they failed in some aspects of their life, making them feel that it’s pointless to continue. By offering moral support, you are helping him confront the negative feelings that he has. It’ll give him the strength he needs to move past those self-doubts and insecurities to try again. You may not have realized it yet but your words have the power to fuel his passion and bring out the best in him.

3. It shows that you’ve got his back

The first person he’ll expect to be there for him is you especially if he has a history of unsupportive friends or relatives. Most of the time you’ll be the one he’ll consult to first. Having the security of knowing that there’s someone you can count on during difficult times is one of the most comforting feeling you can have in a relationship.

4. He will trust you more

Having someone you can confide with and share honest opinions without feeling scared of being ridiculed or criticized is one of the biggest signs you can trust someone. However, when you’re offering advice you need to mean what you say. You can’t just say things because it’s what he wants to hear. Try to be sincere and honest about your feedback without using hurtful words, this way you’ll be someone who isn’t biased that he can open up to.

The things I mentioned above goes both ways, you can’t just be on the receiving end. Choosing to be a supportive partner isn’t always easy but it’s something you would both benefit from. Whether you’re brainstorming ideas or having a simple chat over coffee, just being there for each other makes all the difference. Be their #1 fan and not their biggest critic.

What are the things that you do to show your significant other that you’ve got their back? Tell us about it by leaving a comment below.

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