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Habits to Survive Office Politics

Workplace Politics
Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Office politics is one of the reasons why you may or may not want to prolong your career in the company you are working for. It can either be favorable to you, but in most cases, it can have a negative impact on you.

This is a concerning topic especially for fresh graduates who just got their first job, as this is something that can affect the course of their career. It doesn’t matter if you’re an outstanding employee, if you step on the wrong foot, it can ruin everything you’ve worked hard for.

Let me tell you a story about one of my superiors. My boss is an example of an outstanding employee, he made sure everything was in order and left no stone unturned. Because of this, he was next in line for a CEO position. Unfortunately, due to unfavorable events within the company he chose to resign. So what made him resign from his position? He said that everyone was ganging up on him, trying to destroy his reputation out of jealousy. So he decided to step down from his current position during that time and transferred to a different company. Which, by the way, is also thriving because of his impeccable management.

Image by www_slon_pics from Pixabay

Other stories came from my friends, especially those who work in well-known banking institutions. Most of them complained about how senior colleagues mistreat rookies by bullying them, and those who couldn’t take it resigned. 

In my experience, I used office politics to my advantage by building a good relationship with my colleagues. That way, whenever I face problems at work, which are inevitable as an employee, there are people I can turn to for help.

You’re probably wondering how one can avoid politics in the corporate world. Well, there is no right answer for that since workplace politics will always be there no matter how mild or severe. However, there are things you can do in order to manage it. Here are 6 habits that might help you survive office politics:

1. Be mindful and respectful of others

You need to be careful with what you say at all times. Sometimes we say things we shouldn’t and forget that people have their boundaries. Remember to choose your words to avoid any conflict or unknowingly hurting the feelings of your colleagues.

2. Don’t abuse your power

If you’re someone of authority in the company, whether you’re a senior employee or part of the management, never abuse the power or authority that was entrusted to you. There may be times when you feel superior over others because of this, but don’t let this get to your head. This will only attract people to hate and backstab you in the end.

3. Don’t point fingers

Problems are inevitable but blaming your team while in a sinking ship won’t help at all, it will only worsen the situation. You should always try to work things out with your team to rectify the problem instead of fighting each other. 

4. Learn to stand your ground

First of all, shame on those who find pleasure in bullying others. No one has the right to make you feel sad, afraid, and helpless.

Bullying is not only common in the corporate world, but also in every aspect of life. If you’re someone who’s being bullied, it is important to let them know that they need to stop, otherwise this will continue throughout the rest of your career. You need to learn to defend or protect yourself in these circumstances.

5. Be empathetic towards others

No one is perfect and people are bound to make mistakes one way or another. There are higher-ups that will yell at their staff or employees for a simple mistake, I even experienced the same ordeal with my previous boss. She tossed the paper in front of my face for not understanding the task she gave me. This is a demoralizing act towards your subordinates. It is much better to consult your colleague privately to discuss what they are lacking and coach them to improve.

6. Don’t take everything personally

Don’t pay attention to every word or action coming from those who want to destroy you. Although you need to defend yourself as I’ve stated earlier, you still need to choose your battles. Some of them are just not worth your time and there’s no point in absorbing the negativity coming from them. Giving them attention will only fuel their pride and taunt you more just to ruin your day. 

Are you someone who experienced or is currently experiencing office politics? What did you do to help you manage or survive? Feel free to let us know in the comments section.

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